Go, Igo, Weiqi, Baduk Go, Igo, Weiqi, Baduk. Kaz's original Igo-advice & fundamentals of Igo: The importance of life-and-death and tesuji problems

The importance of life-and-death and tesuji problems

The importance of life-and-death and tesuji problems

Life-and-death problems are the one of the
most important if you want to become a strong
go player. Even if you study the opening,
the middle game, and the endgame, if you
make one mistake in a life-or-death situation,
you would lose a game.

Also most Go players I taught always lack the
ability to solve life-and-death problems.

For example when I taught adult kyu players,
they often had a hard time recognizing a false
eye. So they didn’t realize that their big
group was dead until the end.

In fact this happened to me and others when
they and I were dan players… Oops! In other
words, recognizing a false eye may not be as
easy as you think. I think it’s partly because
in a real game many stones are so mixed up that
things don’t look as easy as life-and-death

(That is why I’ve been making many false eye
problems in my website: http://www.kazsensei.com/ )

If you don’t know what to study, I would recommend
life-and-death and tesuji rather than any other study.

This is because
1. life-and-death can often determines the winner,
2. studying life-and-death and tesuji will definitely
help you become strong whereas reading Go books
on some abstract concepts
such as moyo may take a long time to understand,
3. when you learn tesuji, your fighting skill
improves significantly. In fight if you make a
mistake, you may lose many stones.

So whoever knows more tesuji is more likely to win a
fight, thus more likely to win a game. Additionally
if you learn tesuji, your shape becomes beautiful and
strong. Tesuji can also appear in the endgame as well.

So learning tesuji helps you throughout a game.

(That is why I’ve been making a lot of life-and-death
problems, tesuji problems, and shape problems in my website:
http://www.kazsensei.com/ )

Ideally, of course, you study everything if you have time,
but still you shoud focus on life-and-death problems.

Pros who are good at life-and-death problems often become a top.
This also proves how important life-and-death is.

Cho U (張栩先生) has been making records of the fastest
winning ratios, getting more titles, etc. He is famous
for being good at solvinh life-and-death problems as well
as making great life-and-death problems.

Sha Imin (謝依旻先生) has been getting more women's titles
in Japan than any other women. Her most favorite study
is life-and-death problems.

By the way, solving them once or is not good enough.

I always recommend that amateur Go players solve many
easy problems over and over again.

I emphasize "over and over again" more than "many problems."
Reviewing problems once or twice is not good enough. 10
times, 20 times. The more, the better...

You don’t have to repeat every day. You could repeat
it over a year or some years.

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